Home Skin care The Best Skin Care Tricks From An Esthetician

The Best Skin Care Tricks From An Esthetician

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Looking for skin care tips and tricks from an esthetician? We look forward to chatting with you Eminence Organics lead skin care trainer, Natalie Purger, tap into her expertise, including the most effective skin care strategies and personal favorite products. Check out Natalie’s wealth of tips on everything from refrigerating your eye cream to multifunctional skin care products. Watch the full video below or read her top tips.

1. Evaluate your time investment

Evaluate how much time you can spend on daily life. This realistically determines the types of skin care products and treatments he can incorporate into his day. What is needed is to find a balanced approach that is neither overly burdensome nor unsustainable. By building a routine gradually, you can improve your lifestyle without putting too much stress on your skin or schedule.

2. Add products gradually over time

Starting with a few key products like cleanser, toner, and moisturizer can help prevent your skin from breaking out all at once. This approach allows the skin to gradually get used to the new product and minimizes the risk of irritation. As you get used to how your skin reacts, add more products carefully. Going step-by-step makes your routine effective and enjoyable, and makes it easier to identify products that may be causing problems.

3. Maintain product hygiene and clean skin

To maintain healthy and clear skin, it is important to avoid pollution when using skin care products. Use a clean spoon or spatula to apply the product instead of using your fingers, which can spread germs. This practice helps keep the product pure. Always clean these application tools thoroughly after use. You can always use it hygienically by washing it with soap and water or sterilizing it with alcohol wipes.

4. Place the product in the refrigerator

Natalie likes to keep her products cold by putting them in the fridge so they feel cool on her skin. This method is especially beneficial for products such as eye creams and certain serums, which have an additional soothing effect when applied. For example, if you want your eye cream to be more refreshing for your delicate eye skin, you might want to do this.

5. Store the product in a cool and dry place

To ensure the effectiveness and longevity of skin care products, it is best to store them in a cool, dry place. This is especially important for products containing active ingredients, as heat and moisture can affect the active ingredients.

6. Utilize multifunctional skin care products

Consider using skin care products that serve multiple purposes, such as cleansers that also exfoliate. This approach not only streamlines your routine but also saves you time.

7. Try micromasking for efficiency

If you have trouble dedicating time to regular masking, try a “micromasking” session. These are short, about 3 to 5 minutes each, and you can do 1 to 3 of them depending on your skin care goals. Micro-masking is a time-efficient method that easily fits into your busy schedule, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of masking without spending too much time.

8. Morning mask habit

Natalie suggests applying a mask in the morning to maximize the benefits of preparing and protecting your skin for the day. Morning masks are great for addressing specific issues like puffiness and lackluster skin, giving you a quick fix for a fresher, more vibrant look. Natalie’s favorite is the Turmeric Energizing Treatment, which is designed to rejuvenate skin with exfoliating and stimulating effects. Ingredients like turmeric and paprika revitalize the skin’s appearance, giving it a soft, radiant glow. Additionally, the kaolin clay in the mask acts gently to purify and remove impurities.

9. The optimal water temperature for skin care

Start your face wash with lukewarm water and gently rinse off the product. Finish by pouring cold water. Warm water is mild and cleans effectively without stripping essential oils. It is important to avoid extreme water temperatures as they can be harsh on the skin. For example, using hot water can cause dryness and irritation, stripping away natural oils and worsening conditions like acne and eczema. Warm water provides a balanced approach and maintains skin health without stressing the skin barrier.

10. Choosing the right facial oil

When adding facial oils to your skin care routine, choose one that suits all skin types. High-quality facial oils are concentrated and powerful, so a little goes a long way. Just a few drops all over the face is usually enough. Natalie suggests starting with Facial Recovery Oil, which is made from high-quality, organic ingredients. Biodynamic® material. This oil features anti-aging clary sage, balancing ylang-ylang, and nourishing olive and sesame oils, making it versatile for a variety of skin types.

11. Prioritize nighttime skin care

In addition to your daytime skin care products, it’s important to choose products that nourish your skin overnight. During sleep, your skin naturally repairs and rejuvenates. Nighttime skin care products, such as Natalie Recommended Marine Flower Peptide Night Cream, are specifically designed to support this nighttime recovery process by providing hydration during the skin’s repair cycle. These combat overnight water loss and help your skin retain moisture and recover from the day’s environmental stresses. Incorporating products like this into your nighttime routine can significantly improve the health and appearance of your skin.

12. Extend care to the neck and décolletage

When applying products such as SPF, don’t forget to apply it to your neck and décolletage as well. These often-neglected areas are exposed to the same harmful environmental factors as your face, such as UV rays and pollution. The skin in these areas tends to have fewer oil glands than on the face, which can lead to dryness, sagging, and the premature appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Just as caring for often overlooked areas like the neck and décolletage is so important, choosing the right skin care products can make a big difference in your daily life. Take a look at Natalie’s top picks for esthetician-approved skin care products to help you achieve great results.

Natalie’s Esthetician Essential Skin Care Products

Ready to embrace these tips and tricks? Visit your local Eminence Organics Spa for a personalized skin care consultation tailored to your skin type.

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