Home Makeup Things I Do to Reduce Feeling Overwhelmed All the Frickin’ Time, Part 2

Things I Do to Reduce Feeling Overwhelmed All the Frickin’ Time, Part 2

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Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything all the time? Yeah, me too. Lately, I’ve been looking for ways to help myself make life less overwhelming.

Maybe these things will help too. 🙂

1. Plan your outfits for the week and physically group each outfit into a section in your closet.

This is a very simple task that takes about 10 minutes, and for some reason I don’t know, it helps a lot. I think it’s because it’s one less decision I have to make at the beginning of the day. That alone will make your mornings so much smoother.

I try to keep my planning loose and simple, so I put together outfits that can be worn any day of the week.

Ideally, I’d like everything to be ironed or steamed before the week starts, but I’m not there yet.

2. Take shortcuts in meal prepping to help your future self as much as possible.

For example, if you’re cutting peppers for lunch, cut the whole pepper so you don’t have to do it again later in the week. And if I make a meal, I make extra if it’s something Connor knows or would be happy to eat as leftovers for lunch.

One of the things I want to do eventually is make extra meals for the future so I can put them in the freezer, but the freezer is full right now, gar!

3. Wash your hair every other day or every two days.

I’ve saved a lot of time by spending less time showering at night and doing my hair in the morning. Honestly, if I could avoid having to do it for more than a couple of days, I would, but my scalp is starting to break out.

4. Perform a brain dump at the beginning of the week.

My mind always feels like it’s swirling with things that need to be done and it’s often hard to get all that information out there lol. If you don’t write everything down, you’ll miss a lot of things. At the beginning of the week, he sets a timer for 20 minutes and writes out all his “to-dos” in a notebook. (For some reason, the act of putting pen to paper works better for me.) When I have everything in front of me, it’s easier to see what I need to prioritize.

5. Pay close attention to when your body needs rest.

I used to be bad at this, but I’m much better at it now. When I was younger, whenever I felt tired, I would push myself to finish any task. No more. I realized that there is always a task. When my body and mind say, “I need to spend a few hours watching a bad Lifetime movie,” I listen to it.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


PS Happy Wednesday. I hope your week is great! It looks like it’s going to rain again today here in Marin County. The rain fills all the streams and ponds and all the frogs return. And it’s cool to hear them sing again.

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