Home Hair Things I Wish I Knew About Postpartum Recovery | Luxy Hair

Things I Wish I Knew About Postpartum Recovery | Luxy Hair

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One topic that doesn’t come up often when you have a baby is the fourth trimester and postpartum recovery.

The moment a baby is born, the magic of a new little human enters our lives. However, this does not mean that mothers are not still dealing with great stress. Giving birth causes major changes in the body, mothers are in the midst of postpartum recovery, and emotions can be at an all-time high.

Mommy influencers on social media may show us brightly lit, effortless photos of them vacationing with their newborns, but the real postpartum experience is full of exhaustion, happiness, and beauty. I feel a mixture of conflicting and complex emotions, including feelings of sadness, anxiety, and pain. And ecstatic at the same time.

The postpartum journey is all about realizing that two contrasting emotions can coexist. Like the incredible joy of holding a cute newborn, unable to put aside the baby blues. It’s like being so proud of your body’s potential but feeling so out of touch with it. Postpartum feels like uncharted territory, but I’m so glad I was there.

As a new mom myself, the first few weeks after giving birth were some of the hardest I’ve ever experienced, and no one prepared me for it. I think going through the postpartum period was even more difficult than giving birth. Yes, there were plenty of resources on what to do when you brought a baby home, but I still had questions about how to take care of myself both physically and mentally. The postpartum recovery journey is long and arduous for some, and fast for others. Whatever your case, here are some precautions to keep in mind as you navigate this new phase of life.

Here are 11 things I wish I knew sooner about postpartum recovery.

1. rest is essential

As a new mom, you’ve probably heard everyone talk about how little sleep you’re going to get soon. Please don’t get confused. Rest is essential and the fastest way to let your body recover. Rest your body and mind every day. It may look different for each of us. Depending on the day, you might make sure to take a nap or take a bath to calm down while someone you trust is with your baby. Rest should be one of your top priorities during your postpartum recovery process.

2. may still look pregnant

The harsh reality is that there will be no recovery soon. The baby’s lump does not completely disappear even after birth. Some bodies recover faster than others, but that doesn’t mean the former is better than the latter. Remind yourself every day of what your body has done for you and your baby. There is no greater blessing than honoring yourself and your body for creating and sustaining life.

So keep in mind that it’s normal for your favorite jeans or favorite top to not fit right away. But that day is not far off. The newborn stage goes by quickly, so for now, remember to focus on cuddling.

3. Feel how you feel, sis.

Due to the dramatic drop in hormones immediately after giving birth, you may find yourself having not-so-good thoughts every time the sun goes down or experiencing major health problems. Don’t suppress those feelings. Feel them, talk about them, get help, see a therapist. The most important thing to know is you Isn’t that what you think?. There’s a reason you have these scary and unnatural thoughts, and it’s all part of the postpartum process. This is a scary place to be, but I promise you, it’s all temporary. For now, stay grounded in your truth, love your baby, and be close to your loved ones.

IMP: If you have signs of postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety, reach out to a loved one or your therapist. There is help available to you and you are entitled to every part of it.

4. Hair loss is heartbreaking, but there’s good news.

It’s hard to admit, but one of the most embarrassing and heartbreaking things that happened to me was losing my hair. Even if your makeup and clothes aren’t on point, girls will understand that it’s important to do your hair. So losing her hair was a very disempowering experience.

But I believe that good things come in beautiful packaging. Specifically, the cute, round, pink packaging. These 4th trimester clip-in hair extensions have helped me stop feeling embarrassed about my hair and feel like my best self even on my not-so-great days. I wear off-black shades for a natural everyday look. Scroll down to the right to see why I love these clip-ins and decided to wear them postpartum.

5. Feel like yourself again

When I’m in the middle of it, I feel like I can’t be myself anymore. It’s like I’ve lost who I am. Your body and mind will feel a little foreign, but believe me when I say everything will come back to you. Enjoy this season to the fullest, whether it’s holding your newborn or breastfeeding late at night. Appreciate the fact that you are stepping into a new version of yourself. There are huge benefits to seeing who you are becoming rather than clinging to who you were in the past.

6. Dressing up feels good

Dress up even if you’re at home with your baby all day. It’s easier said than done, but believe me when I say this will change your day. Wear your favorite sweatsuit or matching lounge set. When you feel good, the necessary dopamine is automatically released. Some days you don’t want to get out of bed, but spend those five minutes completely focused on yourself. Apply concealer, clip in your extensions, and spritz on your favorite perfume. Every small action helps.

7. Postpartum recovery is also necessary for your mind.

Don’t put your mental health on the back burner. Remember that the postpartum recovery process requires as much attention to your mind as your body. Here are some simple things you can do every day.

– Be grateful every morning

– Go outside and take a walk around your neighborhood

– Set healthy boundaries with visitors and family members

– Let’s talk about your journey as a new mom. Connect with online new mom groups, friends, and family.

8. Housework can wait.

You’re probably doing a million things a minute right now, but remember to always be present. Please wait for the dishes, wait for the laundry. Now is your time to rest, reset, and fully engage with your baby. Don’t worry about the details. Getting caught up in worrying about clothes, dishes, and laundry only takes up unnecessary space in your mind. Instead, let your heart guide you. While you’re absorbed in holding your new baby (time flies!), there’s always time to fix up the house.

9. You make the best decisions.

As soon as you become a mother, you can feel overwhelmed by the flood of advice directed at you. It’s the perfect time to practice and work on your maternal instincts, for you and your baby. Remember that you know best when it comes to care and decisions for yourself and your baby. I’m open to advice, but do what’s best for you.

10. This time it’s about you and your baby.

Use this time to be completely with your baby. Have lots of skin-to-skin contact, absorb every sound, and enjoy every little smile. We worry so much about how our bodies look that we miss out on these precious moments. Take a moment to remind yourself that your body is moving in its natural flow. It will recover and you will feel yourself again.

11. Your postpartum journey is unique.

With celebrities, influencers, and fellow moms posting their journeys on social media, it’s easy to compare your journey and progress to theirs. Remember that every body recovers at its own pace. Your journey is unique to you. While you wait for your hair to grow, wear extensions to make yourself feel better. Go for a walk to feel energized until you rejuvenate and train again. Do a few good things for yourself now.

5 Reasons Why I Choose to Wear 4th Trimester Clips with Extensions

1. It takes less than 5 minutes to put on.

2. Blends seamlessly so it feels 100% natural hair

3. No damage, so it won’t interfere with hair growth

4. Subtle but powerful confidence boost

5. Celebrate your new self

Now is the time to step into a new you: becoming a parent. This is a journey to discover another self and absorb it all. It’s new and unfamiliar territory as you learn your newborn’s cues, find a new schedule, and set a new pace of life with your little human.

These 4th trimester hair extensions are you With that in mind. To help you on your journey to feeling like yourself again. Postpartum hair loss is a natural phenomenon and Luxy’s solutions to this support you while continuing to care for your natural hair.

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