Home Makeup Things I’m Looking Forward to in 2024

Things I’m Looking Forward to in 2024

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I am becoming more and more aware that I am not bound by the past and can choose to actively reinvent myself whenever I want. Now is as good a time as ever.

In that regard, these are some things I’m looking forward to embracing in the new year. 🙂

1. Start a new job

It’s been a long time since I had something with a predictable payment period. I look forward to a stable salary and set working hours.

I know it sounds boring, but I’m in a place right now where job security is really amazing. I feel relieved that I don’t have to carry the mental burden anymore, and slowly but surely I’m starting to feel a little stronger each day.

2. Change your fitness habits

Thanks to the pandemic, I’ve been training alone in my bedroom every day for about three years watching YouTube fitness videos.

But something happened last summer. It was like a switch had been flipped and I was no longer motivated.

Sure, working out alone at dawn is great for convenience and saving money (no gym fees, hooray). But right now, I definitely don’t want to train alone in front of a screen.

In the new year, I decided to find a gym and join. Ideally a gym with childcare services. That way I can take Connor with me during my workouts, and once I can better manage my work schedule, I’m taking all my classes, especially my first one. It could be Zumba, weightlifting, yoga, anything. As long as it moves me, I’ll be there.

3. Accept the new normal

Soon, his daily schedule has to change to accommodate his new routine, even in seemingly small things like making Connor’s lunch at night before he goes to bed instead of making it in the morning before school.

Am I being conservative about when and how I find time to write? How will I take care of Connor when school is out for the summer? Oh my god, yes.

But families will figure it out eventually, and so will we.

4. Build a new wardrobe

Honestly, since Connor was born, I’ve gotten used to having dried baby food stains on everything, and I sometimes get holes in my pants and shirts. lol!

When I was in my teens, 20s, and 30s, I loved fun and quirky fashion, but now I’m less about pushing boundaries and standing out, and more about just being polished, coordinated, and flawless in everything I do. I want to look like that (lol). I guess you could say that buying work pants and the like has become fun again.

5. Evolution of writing goals

They’re going to be different because I haven’t followed the copywriting path as strictly as I have in recent years. I feel like something is definitely evolving in my writing, and in a good way. Being able to write just because you want to, rather than because your livelihood depends on it, is a huge mental shift. In many ways, it’s very freeing. I don’t know how to explain it, but this change has made me feel lighter. Be happier.

What are you looking forward to in 2024?

Anyway, I’m thinking of you today, a rainy Thursday in Nor California. I hope things are going well and you are healthy. Everyone around me seems to be getting something!

Today, if Connor wants, I’ll take him ice skating at the indoor rink. Or maybe you just stay home and read a book, bake cookies, or have a dance party in her room. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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