Home Makeup Trying on Lipsticks Just for Fun

Trying on Lipsticks Just for Fun

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Hello, this is makeup.

A few months after Connor was born, I went to a lunch meet-and-greet with a local mom’s club. As we all went around introducing ourselves, one of the women mentioned that she had recently had a baby. It was my first day in weeks. She actually put on her clothes and combed her hair. Then she said, “I also put on earrings,” and then she started crying. Lo and behold, I could completely understand, in every cell of my body, what she was feeling in that moment.

Just putting on earrings can be a challenge. Mascara or something. To be honest, these pants are okay to wear in public.

But you do it and keep going.

Anyway, I thought about that woman today as I prepared for a video conference. She ironed her shirt for the first time in a while, did her hair, and did her makeup. She doesn’t know how long it’s been.

I’m also wearing earrings…

Nostalgic MAC velvet teddy
eyeshadow, liner, lipstick, cheek

Is it *whitish*? no. Is it cutting edge or particularly noteworthy? Hmm, probably not. But I did it. I feel great during video calls.

After I finished, I tried out some lipsticks for a bit of fun since it’s been a while.

Tame MAC a little
Chanel 152 Sweetness
chanel 160 wild
When I applied dark lipstick for the first time in a while

Send good thoughts your way. Happy Thursday!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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