Home Cosmetics Upcoming beauty webinar to highlight buying power of men, Black consumers

Upcoming beauty webinar to highlight buying power of men, Black consumers

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The complexities involved in creating a more inclusive beauty market in the United States mean industry leaders will need to do more than simply throw a few diverse models into ads. In recent years, more suppliers and brands are investing research and development, branding and capital to fill gaps for those left behind.

In this free webinar, cosmetics designexplores this topic in multiple ways by commissioning a panel of experts to consider how far the industry has come and the steps we should take to achieve true inclusivity in beauty. Explore from a perspective.


Dr. Jennifer Davis Alexander, Founder and CEO; drjenknowsskin.comallows viewers to gain insight into how genetics, environment, and lifestyle affect skin health, as well as how skin responds to the products we use. told Cosmetics Design.

“According to research from the McKinsey Institute for Black Economic Mobility, Black Americans spent $6.6 billion on beauty products in 2021, but research on Black skin is limited. Inclusion is a focus for the beauty industry As the world continues to grow, it is essential to expand knowledge about Black skin. Viewers will learn about the importance of clinical and product testing on Black skin and how it enhances product design choices and ultimately We want them to understand how we can increase end-user satisfaction.”


Tammy Sykes, co-owner and head of global marketing; Dion Michaels men’s skin careShe said she wanted to dispel the myth that men who use beauty products are “feminine”.

“This view is not only wrong, but also insulting to men who are born with skin types that require special care,” says Sykes. “Dion Michaels represents men’s self-care at its core. By bridging the gap between gender-specific skin care products and inclusivity, we aim to not only keep our customers’ health in mind, but also their confidence and self-image. We are paving the way to the market that has been placed in the market.”

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