Home Nail Art UV Gel Thickness: Key Insights for Optimal UV Gel Application

UV Gel Thickness: Key Insights for Optimal UV Gel Application

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Every day is a school day that offers new learning opportunities, and that’s the way it should be. Never stop learning. I think I have a fair amount of knowledge and understanding about UV gels, but the other day I learned something new about UV gel thickness.

A short course on UV gels explained that gel coatings that are too thick can cause over-curing (heat spikes), and dark pigments can block UV and cause under-curing But I didn’t know that. If the paint is thick, the UV won’t be able to penetrate as deeply and the bottom part of the paint may be undercured.

Important role of UV gel thickness in application safety and effectiveness

I’ve always been told to apply a thin coat for the following reasons:

  1. Over-hardening can burn the client’s nail bed
  2. If pigment is included in the gel, curing is insufficient
  3. And currently lower levels do not cure and can cause leaching during wear or removal.

If you think you know a lot about UV gels, test your knowledge against the insights shared in Doug Schoon’s latest article, delve into his new e-book on UV gels, and take our quiz. and earn digital badges.

You are sure to learn something new!!

Dags’ latest articles

Color pigments in UV gels, how do pigments affect the absorption of UV gels?
UV Gel Applications – Insights into Pigments
Revealing the dangers of applying thick UV gel
Dangers of thick UV gel applications

Embracing Continuous Learning in UV Gel Application: A Journey to Mastery and Safety

The journey to mastering UV gel application is a continuous process of learning and discovery, even for those well versed in nail care. The revelation regarding the importance of UV gel thickness highlights the importance of continued education in this area. It’s not just about following the basics. It’s about digging deeper into the nuances that determine the safety and effectiveness of nail treatments. This insight serves as a reminder to embrace every learning opportunity and approach our craft with both curiosity and prudence.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a budding manicurist, there’s always so much to discover, understand, and perfect. I am committed to honing my skills, staying informed through resources such as Doug Schoon’s work, and elevating the standard of care I provide to my clients by applying his thin, careful coats one layer at a time. Sho.

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