Home Hair Wedding Day Emergency Kit | Luxy Hair

Wedding Day Emergency Kit | Luxy Hair

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It’s happening! The day we’ve been planning for months has officially arrived and we couldn’t have been more excited.You’ve prepared everything from the flower arrangements to the desserts your guests will enjoy to the earrings they’ll be wearing, but are you ready for your bridal emergency kit? Yes, your emergency kit, the ultimate wedding planner Must For someone’s important day.

What is a bridal emergency kit?

To explain, this is basically a lifesaver if you accidentally spill a drink or have an allergic reaction on your wedding day. Imagine a large tote bag filled with everything you need in an emergency. Most wedding planners already have a wedding planner, but if you’re planning your own wedding or just want to make things a little more comfortable, you can also create your own. Don’t worry if this is your first time hearing about this kit. We’ve put together the ultimate wedding emergency kit plan for you.

The first step in creating a wedding day emergency kit is understanding what can happen in an “emergency” and what needs to be fixed. This may not be a fun idea, but it’s best to be prepared in case your bridesmaid spills a little coffee on your bridesmaid’s dress or you need to undone her hairstyle with a volumizing spray.

When should I pack my bridal emergency kit?

Experts recommend preparing an emergency kit several weeks before the actual big day to avoid forgetting things and brain fog.

The week of your wedding is full of last-minute tasks, running around, packing your emergency bag in advance, and taking the time to gather all your items to avoid cramming your to-do list.

Pro tip: Bring an emergency kit to your wedding event before the big day. A bachelorette party is the perfect time to incorporate your kit. To avoid forgetting anything, print the list and use it as a guide to gather everything.

Who will handle the emergency kit on the wedding day?

On your wedding day, you’ll want to designate someone to carry and look after your emergency bag. Either your wedding planner, maid of honor, or bridesmaids can do this. Venues usually have a safe place to store items and wedding favors, so you can leave your bags there during the day. Have a designated person pick up your emergency bag the night before or a week in advance, and be sure to bring it with you on the day of your trip.

With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at the ultimate preparation tools from real wedding planners.

Items to include in your bridal emergency kit:

snack: We’ve all seen movies where brides faint, and it happens in real life too. There’s nothing worse than passing out…I am hungry on your special day. To balance your blood sugar levels, pack some granola bars, fruit, or something travel-friendly to grab in a hurry.

medicine: Allergic reactions, headaches, toothaches…anything that can happen happens. Make sure you have a reliable painkiller or allergy medication on hand in case you find out that day that you’re actually severely allergic to pollen or someone else’s perfume.

Nail polish: You’ll likely be applying shellac or gel nail polish for your big day, but keep your nails intact with a clear top coat as a backup in case they chip.

Nail file: Did your stubborn nail break right before walking down the aisle? A simple file can fix any snags in your beautiful dress or veil.

Mini first aid kit: Include items such as bandages, rubbing alcohol, cotton pads, and burn cream. You may not need it, but you’ll be happy to provide it in case someone drinks a little too much and falls on the dance floor. I’ve included this.

eye drops: Whether you wear contacts or not, dry eyes can be caused by pollen or seasonal allergies. Or maybe you’re just so nervous about your wedding day that you’re up late and can’t sleep. Adding this to your emergency bridal set is a must. P.S. This is also a great hack for adding beautiful glowing eyes to your photos!

Tampons and napkins: Enough said, stay safe, not sorry. Even if you keep track of your menstrual cycle, stress can cause the flow in your body to become irregular, and you don’t want to stain your beautiful dress.

Water bottle: Have water bottles available for you and your bridal party at the get-together area and during photo shoots. Don’t forget to bring a stainless steel straw to make your lipstick last longer.

Razor: Are you missing your armpits or legs? Have a spare razor on hand in case someone forgets to get ready for the day.

Q-Tips and makeup remover: My eyeliner got smudged as I was walking down the aisle. Keep both cotton swabs and makeup remover on hand for any touch-ups you may need throughout the day.

Bath amenities: Deodorant, lotion, lip chap, toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss, perfume. Pack as if you’re going on an overnight trip somewhere and you won’t forget anything.

Wardrobe essentials include:

Blotting paper: Don’t sweat. Keep some blotting paper on hand so you can touch up oily T-zones and lips as needed. Even if you don’t have oily skin, you’ll probably want to refresh your makeup after a full day of wedding celebrations.

Stain remover: a A tide pen will be your best friend in times of need. Don’t worry about the possibility of dirt ruining your big day. Keep extra stain remover on hand.

Strong adhesive: Did a bead fall from your dress? Broken nail? My bridesmaid’s heel broke, so shouldn’t I have used it when I went out the night before? No one would be the wiser, since it could all be glued together at the last moment.

White chalk: Probably one of the most important things on this list. If you can’t get the stains on your dress, chalk will do a good job of hiding them. Don’t forget the chalk!

Fabric tape: Tape down anything that’s tricky, like the hem of a girl’s dress or a dress.

Bobby pin and rubber: There’s nothing worse than having your hair fall apart right before you walk down the aisle.Please prepare a backup of hair tie, scrunchies, pins, and hair irons for touch-ups.Save everything to favorites application kit.

Volumizer weft: Do not forget that your hairstyle may fall out or even fall out in the worst case. I have a backup vOlmizer weft When you need more room and thickness for your big day.

Extended carrier: your luxury extension carrier Protect and carry additional volumizer wefts and clip-in extensions to keep it in its best shape and retain its styling during transportation.

Baby powder: Friction has the power to make people miserable. Don’t let that happen on your big day and stock up on mini baby powder for anything that might get a little uncomfortable.

Compact mirror: Whether it’s on the way to church or between photo shoots.have compact mirror It is imperative to double check that everything is still good. P.S.: Ask your maid of honor to have this on hand!

Comb & Hairspray: to pack comb Hairspray will help tame any flies you may come across and will help soothe bridesmaid hair woes long after the hair and makeup are done.

Earring back: Just in case you lose your back that day, you can buy a clear lining so you don’t have to worry about losing your accessories after dancing the night away.


cash: Whether you need cash to buy a little fast food on your way to the chapel or you forgot to tip a vendor. Cash on hand is important!

mint: You’ve been up since 8am, getting ready, eating, and drinking coffee. Be sure to have these on hand as they can help you feel refreshed and even help with an upset tummy.

Mobile phone charger: you probably want to tick tock From the beginning to the end of the day while getting ready! Tiktok drains your battery. Make sure you have a fast charging cord so you can take your phone with you and record all day long.

Sunscreen: If you’re having an outdoor wedding in the middle of summer, don’t risk burning your shoulders. Wear a high SPF sunscreen to protect your skin throughout the day.

scissors: If you’re packing a mini sewing kit, you probably have some in there. If not, here’s a reminder.

Static guard: Is the bridesmaid dress the staff’s particularity? Static Guard is the ultimate way to prevent static electricity during the day.

Lidocaine pain relief spray: Yes, it’s a pain spray. It will be your savior when your feet hurt from heels a few hours after your wedding. Spray and dance the night away.

Flat shoes: Once the party is in full swing, you might want to let your hair down and dance the night away. Throw on your favorite white sneakers or flip-flops and enjoy the night to the fullest.

Organization: Today is your wedding day. I’m sure you’ll shed lots of happy tears. Have some ready for those tear-jerking moments.

black socks: I know you’re not wearing socks…but the groomsmen do wear socks, and sometimes they walk out at the last minute. Have a backup in case you forget.

Whether your big day is weeks or months away, mentally preparing for it can be overwhelming because there’s so much to do. I don’t know. Being organized is important, and making lists can help alleviate the fear of forgetting something. Packing an emergency kit is an extra step to feeling confident that you’re fully prepared for the day. While you are making all your plans, remember that today is a day that you and the love of your life will enjoy and remember forever. Don’t sweat the small stuff and be present in every moment. If you stick to it, you’re sure to have the best day of your life.

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Author: Victoria Russo

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