Home Beauty Welcome To ‘The Wardrobe Edit’ & My Substack Recommendations – The Anna Edit

Welcome To ‘The Wardrobe Edit’ & My Substack Recommendations – The Anna Edit

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Imagine if Blogspot and your newsletter had a baby.

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So I joined substack! When Mark and I left a few months ago, I risked brain rot just by sitting on my sun lounger and scrolling through Instagram and his TikTok for too long. Have you ever experienced it?I’ve reviewed all posts from the past 3 daysNotification on Instagram? Because I have it!! Multiple times. Oops. So I deleted the app from my phone and saved a bunch of articles I wanted to download and read from the Substack app. wonderful time. Back to the old days of blogging – have you heard of Blogpost?! What a throwback.All of your old favorites, plus some new voices share their thoughts and it’s just really enrich experience. It’s like a rotten scroll.

I couldn’t do anything, so I jumped at it as soon as I got home. “Wardrobe Edit”; in my twice-weekly newsletter, on Sundays I share an outfit diary of everything I wore that week, and on Fridays I write my weekly wish, a compilation of the 10 best style items I’ve seen online in the past. Introducing the list. Seven days. I have other style related posts sprinkled in there as well, but not enough. I always think about this when I have free time.Should I try writing Substack?“!” It feels fun and friendly and it’s great to have a less polished, more real-time online space. Additionally, I really like lighting to balance out all the video creation I do. It’s always good to have balance. There are still posts about style here, but sometimes that format is better suited for a blog. But if you want to see my daily outfits or really want a weekly shopping edit, you should go to Substack. If you haven’t checked it out yet, there’s a link to subscribe below, but we feel that the real heart of Substack is the recommendations that make it easy to discover new writers. That’s why below you’ll also find my top 11 Substack recommendations. I was glued to each and every post…


every body is dressed up – Liza’s Substack is VAST. She does a little bit of everything style-wise, from shopping guides to capsule wardrobe edits. But my favorite thing she shares is: resource – Consider educating yourself on what fabrics to buy or how to adapt your style throughout life. I will study a lot. Thank you, Lisa, for publishing this!

pigpen – Oh, Heather. Do you follow Pygmami on TikTok? Well, this is her Substack. She writes about style in a very quirky way and I really love her mix of high street, designer and vintage. She is the beloved queen!!!! this Really good post to get started.

grouping – If you’re looking for minimalist style inspiration, look no further than Substack by Reva. She’s a stylist who shares her daily style and coordinate recipes multiple times a week. I found myself screenshotting her looks frequently. She makes me excited to be a little more experimental with her choices.

true style – Like Liza’s Substack, Lakyn’s book is literally an online book. She calls herself a “sustainable stylist” and shares her personal preferences for things like camo, capsule wardrobes, and what to do when you hate everything in your wardrobe. You get the point. This is just Substack where you can learn so much. Subscribe now!

R R – Laurel amazing. I just want to be her, okay? Her style may be much more exciting and fun than mine, but I really like her personal style and the way her mind thinks when it comes to her outfits. When her “Saturday Snack” arrives, I always stop and read it right away.

5 things you should buyBecky’s newsletter is like the Substack you should subscribe to, and I can see why. She just enjoys playing with her wardrobe and it shows. Lots of inspiration, lots of new ideas, and her posts are fulfilling. Whenever she leaves the house, she immediately feels like going to try on her new clothes.

inside out – I became an Esther fangirl thanks to TikTok, so this is new to me. She always said she just posted Substack, so she decided to check it out. It was a great collection with everything I love, from basic white t-shirts to denim.That girl is be familiar with And I’m here for that.

jane on jeans – When I first saw this newsletter, I thought: “How much can you write about jeans?”There are plenty of answers, especially from people who know their stuff, like Jane (and it turns out she’s the owner of the brand that made my favorite cream-colored boiler suit that I bought last year) . She knows her stuff, and reading this newsletter will definitely make you a better denim buyer.


life update – I love Lucy’s content. She posts very thoughtful and creative YouTube videos of her own, and her TikToks are beautifully done, and Substack is no exception. She posts on a variety of topics, from analyzing fast fashion to Drake’s new album. Oh, I also have a podcast. I love being inside her brain so thank you for sharing her Lucy!

Bitches Gotta Eat – I will happily devour Samantha Irby’s content wherever she posts online. And she recently moved her newsletter to her Substack, which she was happy to follow.she just interesting. This is pure comedy and “laugh til you toot” humor. This post from her That sums it up best.

kitchen project – This was the first Substack I stumbled across and subscribed to. Someone shared Nicola’s profile on his IG and I was instantly hooked. Like if you want value for money; Love If you want to cook, this is it. She posts her two stacks a week. One recipe she shares with free subscribers, and one recipe she shares with paid subscribers. depth – Think about food science, testing, and expert interviews.the be familiar with. But when you actually get a chance to sit down and read it, it’s great.

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