Home Nail Art What Do I do Everyday?

What Do I do Everyday?

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Becoming a nail artist is not as easy as you think. There are nuances to the job. First, we must have a creative drive. They must train under strict regulations. And if you want to be great, you have to spend years burning the midnight oil practicing design and artwork. At the end of the day, our work is all about the client experience, so we want to provide you with the best service possible.

salon preparation

I wake up at 6am every day. Why do I get up so early? I need time to get ready, I’m not a morning person! I need coffee right now. My brain can’t function without it. Then I wake up, read my Bible, check my email and Facebook, and plan my day. You’ll want to make sure your salon is clean and ready for the day, and the tools you’ll be using should also be cleaned and disinfected. You need not only mental preparation, but also physical preparation. It moves slowly until at least 9am!

I would appreciate it if you could send me the design in advance.

Did you know that some manicurists, myself included, don’t like being treated on the spot when a client comes in and is told to “do what you want”? Panic sets in! What if they don’t like what I’m doing? Thank you to those who plan ahead.

There are thousands of things running through my mind almost all the time. I’ve been creating some of these nail designs since I’m so busy and I always appreciate the time to prepare. It calms your mind and helps you think about how to execute your chosen design. This is part of my daily routine where I study photos and plan. When I recreated Sly in the photo above, it took him 10 hours to reproduce. I needed to get everything exactly right about him being a 20 year old cat, and I needed to make sure the claws represented him correctly.

talk to client

Most people don’t realize that I’m very quiet and like to keep to myself. Keeping up a conversation is not an easy task for me. When I first started in the industry, I had my talking points planned out in my head. It may sound crazy, but it was what I had to do. Fortunately, most of my clients have been coming for years now, so the conversation flows, but when new people come in. I still get a little panicky about what to say.

I am truly grateful to our customers who always talk to us. In fact, I feel most at ease with them because they do all the talking work, haha! A day full of chatty clients is a dream come true for me.

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