Home Cosmetics What Helps To Avoid Clumpy Mascara?

What Helps To Avoid Clumpy Mascara?

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Clumsy mascara is a common affliction for many mascara lovers, making your lashes look thick and uneven, and ruining your overall look. Luckily, with a few tips and tricks, you can achieve smooth, defined lashes.

Photo credit: Cotton Blouse Studio

To help you get rid of that clumpy, unnatural look of mascara, we recommend some simple strategies to help you apply mascara without clumping.

Quality matters: Buy a quality mascara that is suitable for your lash type. Waterproof mascara is less likely to clump, but can be hard to remove.

Brush Type: Choose a mascara with a well-designed brush. A rubber or silicone brush with short bristles will help apply mascara evenly and reduce clumping.

Wipe the stick: Before applying, use a tissue to wipe off any excess mascara from the brush, this will help you apply a thin, even layer.

Start from the base: Start at the base of your lashes and work your way up using short, wiggly brush strokes. This technique ensures an even application and prevents clumping.

layer: If you need to apply multiple layers, do so before the first layer dries completely, as dried mascara will clump more easily if you apply multiple layers.

Applying a lash primer before your mascara creates a smooth base, helping your mascara apply more evenly and last longer without clumping.

Swirling the brush in and out of the tube can trap air, making the mascara dry and prone to clumping. Instead, gently swirl the brush in the tube.

Mascara should be replaced every 3-6 months. Old mascara can dry out and cake easily. Keeping your mascara fresh will help it apply more smoothly.

Lash comb: After applying mascara, use a clean lash comb or spoolie brush to separate lashes and remove any clumps.

Pin Type: If you don’t have an eyelash comb, you can use a clean safety pin to carefully separate the lash strands.

eye drops: Adding a few drops of saline or eye drops to your mascara tube will hydrate the product and prevent it from clumping.

Warm water: Soaking a closed tube of mascara in a glass of warm water for a few minutes will help soften dried mascara.

Gently remove: Use a quality makeup remover to gently remove mascara, as rubbing or pulling can damage your lashes and lead to clumping in the future.

Condition your eyelashes: Applying eyelash conditioner and natural oils such as castor oil can help keep your lashes healthy and reduce clumping.

Sharing mascara can introduce bacteria that can lead to eye infections or can reduce the quality of the mascara and cause the product to cake.

By following these tips and incorporating them into your daily makeup routine, you can avoid caked-up mascara and embarrassing looks in public, and enjoy beautifully defined, full, smooth lashes.

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