Home Hair What is Co-Washing Hair? The Complete Guide

What is Co-Washing Hair? The Complete Guide

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Have you ever thought of skipping your regular shampoo routine because your hair looks dry and damaged? Co-washing can be a great option, especially if you have curly natural hair. Masu.

Co-washing or conditioner washing is becoming increasingly popular as a gentler alternative to maintaining healthy hair. According to many renowned hair care experts, co-washing retains natural oils and moisture, making your hair softer and more manageable.

But what exactly is co-washing, why should you consider co-washing, and what difference does it make to your hair? Be informed about whether to co-wash or not It is best to evaluate all the facts so that you can make an informed decision.

What is co-washing?


Simultaneous washing means washing with conditioner instead of shampoo. Basically, you use a cleansing conditioner to remove product and buildup from your hair without using shampoo to maintain a healthy amount of moisture in your hair.

Who should wash their hair together?

Everyone can wash together, but certain types of hair grow better when washed together. This includes curly or dry hair.

The curlier your hair is, the drier it tends to be. Think of curly hair like a roller coaster. The natural oils from your head have to travel down through many twists and turns to reach the ends of your hair, so it takes a little longer to get there. Truth be told, your roots may be oily before the natural oils reach the ends.

Even if your hair isn’t curly, you may benefit from washing them together. It is beneficial for people with very dry hair, regardless of texture. Especially those with long hair tend to lack moisture at the ends, just like curly hair.

What are the benefits of co-washing?

Benefits of washing your hair together

The biggest advantage of simultaneous washing is that it has high moisturizing power. Although shampoos are more effective at thoroughly cleaning your hair, they can strip your hair of its natural oils, especially if used too often.

Another benefit of co-washing is that it allows your colored hair to maintain its vibrancy for longer. Every time you wash your hair with shampoo, the hair color fades little by little. Washing your hair with conditioner will reduce color fading and help you maintain your vibrant hair color for a long time.

Finally, the best thing about co-washing for me is that I can style my hair without shampooing. If your hair is pretty good, but is starting to look quite unsteady, you may have no choice but to fully soak and restyle your hair. Simultaneously wash to moisturize your hair and refresh your style anytime.

What are the disadvantages of co-washing?

Disadvantages of washing hair together

Along with the benefits of co-washing, there are also some downsides to keep in mind. The truth is, while co-washing helps remove buildup from your hair, it doesn’t cleanse your hair and scalp as thoroughly as shampoo.

If you rely entirely on co-washing to cleanse your hair, you won’t be able to remove all the product and environmental buildup on your hair. This can cause itching and pain on the scalp, and in severe cases, hair loss.

Of course, I’m not saying this to scare you away from using co-washing. Co-washing certainly has a good purpose when used between shampoos.

How often should you wash them together?

How often to wash your hair

This question has sparked much debate in recent years. Some people never use regular shampoo and insist on washing their hair at the same time. Most hairdressers would disagree with this opinion.

As mentioned earlier, co-washing has many benefits, such as giving your hair extra moisture, retaining color longer, and allowing you to change your hair style between shampoos. However, the downside to co-washing is that it doesn’t clean your hair as thoroughly as shampoo. By striking a good balance between the two, you can achieve your ideal hair.

As a hairdresser, I recommend shampooing twice a week to once every two weeks. Simultaneous washing is possible up to once a day. Therefore, co-washing is perfect to do in between shampoos to restyle your hair or delay shampooing a little.

People who need to soak and restyle their hair every day should definitely wash their hair all together instead of shampooing every day. You’ll notice that your hair is softer, shinier, and overall healthier.

What products should I use for co-washing?

While it is possible to co-wash with your regular conditioner, it is best to co-wash with products specifically formulated for that purpose. Due to the increasing popularity of co-cleaning, it is not difficult to find a wide range of co-cleaning products on the market.

Another thing to keep in mind when purchasing a co-wash is your specific hair type. If your hair is very thick and/or coily, you may need a thicker, fuller, and more moisturizing co-wash. If your hair is fine, thin, or tends to get heavy, it may be best to look for a light co-wash.

No matter your hair type, there’s a co-wash to suit you.

What is the best way to wash together?

Steps to wash hair together

Now that you know almost everything there is to know about co-washing, you need to know how to do it. (Of course, it’s always best to read the instructions for a particular product before using it.) You can keep your hair hydrated and fresh by referring to the guide below.

Steps to wash hair together:

  1. Choose a conditioner or co-cleaning product to use.
  2. Soak your hair completely in warm water.
  3. Apply a conditioner or co-wash to your scalp and hair.
  4. Rub the conditioner/co-wash into your scalp the same way you would shampoo. Scrub your scalp and hair to remove dirt and buildup.
  5. Rinse off the conditioner and wash together with warm or hot water. Rinse thoroughly until no conditioner or cleanser remains on your hair.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5.
  7. Apply your regular conditioner to the middle and ends of your hair to add extra moisture. Leave it on for 5 minutes.
  8. Rinse off the conditioner with cold water.
  9. Gently squeeze excess water from your hair and pat dry with a microfiber towel. Get the style you want.

After co-washing your hair, pay attention to how it looks and feels. If it’s too oily, you may need to skip the step of conditioning again after co-washing.

If it’s still dry, consider applying a deep hydrating mask to your hair. Everyone’s hair type is different, so it may take a little trial and error to find what’s right for you.

What are the common mistakes to avoid when washing together?

There are some common mistakes to avoid when co-washing your hair. Below, we will discuss common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Apply cowash just like regular conditioner

Common mistakes during co-washing - use as regular conditioner

To cleanse your hair with conditioner, you need to rub the conditioner into your scalp and hair. This will remove dirt and oil. Just applying it to your hair like a regular conditioning treatment won’t give you much of an effect.

Therefore, you can avoid this mistake by treating co-washes the same way as shampoos. Scrub it with your fingers!

Completely replace shampoo with co-wash

As mentioned earlier in this article, co-washing should not completely replace shampoo. All you have to do is make up for it. Therefore, you need to shampoo your hair regularly to remove build-up from your hair and scalp.

When your hair starts to feel heavy, your scalp becomes oily, and it starts to feel sore and itchy, it’s time for a proper shampoo.

wash your hair only once

Common mistakes during communal laundry - do it only once

Simply applying CoWash once and rinsing it off will not give you the desired results.

If you want your hair to be as clean as possible with simultaneous washing, use it at least twice. After applying it to your hair each time, apply it to your hair and scalp and rinse thoroughly.

Do not rinse off co-wash completely

If you don’t rinse the co-wash completely, the co-wash process can become very ineffective. The key to simultaneous washing is to gently loosen and wash away dirt and buildup that has accumulated in your hair. Your hair won’t be clean if you don’t rinse out the co-wash completely.

Rinse thoroughly with warm or boiling water. If you want to add more moisture to your hair, you can always apply a regular conditioner to your mid-lengths and ends after rinsing the co-wash.

Simultaneous washing is a great way to refresh, cleanse and moisturize your hair. Using the right products and methods will benefit your hair and bring you one step closer to achieving the shiny, bouncy, healthy hair of your dreams.

Important things to know

  • Co-washing means washing your hair with conditioner.
  • People with thick, dry, or curly hair may benefit most from co-washing.
  • Co-washing is great to do in between shampoos to restyle your hair or delay shampooing a little.
  • Although it is possible to wash at the same time using a regular conditioner, we recommend using a conditioner specifically designed for simultaneous washing.
  • Co-washing should not completely replace shampoo. It is still essential to shampoo your hair regularly to remove buildup and maintain scalp health.

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