Home Cosmetics What it takes to bring a Greek haircare brand to the US

What it takes to bring a Greek haircare brand to the US

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Greek hair care brand Alexandra Organic recently expanded into the U.S. market, a move that presented the team with many challenges to get things on the right track.

Cosmetics Design spoke with brand founder Claire Alexandra Pashaj about the steps you can take to get your brand noticed in the U.S., including detailed strategies to help you navigate regulations and connect with your audience. We have outlined the most important steps, including: It was adopted to build an engaged community.

“As a Greek brand, the first steps I had to take to bring Alexandra Organic to market were rooted in my personal journey and passion for creating clean and effective hair care products. .”Pashaji said.

To establish a startup strategy in the US, Pashaji outlined four key pillars.

  • Identifying the Need: After experiencing severe hair damage, I embarked on a personal quest to find a solution. As a chemist, I used my knowledge and expertise to develop his two formulations for shampoo and hair mask that have shown promising results in restoring hair strength and health.
  • Sharing on Social Media: I started sharing my hair growth journey on social media, documenting my progress and the regimens I created. The response from others was overwhelming, with many expressing interest in purchasing the product for themselves.
  • Start small: Driven by demand, we decided to start selling our products through Instagram. This allowed us to connect directly with customers and gather valuable feedback, while also generating income to fund further development and expansion.
  • Opening the first store: Due to the success of selling on Instagram, I saved every penny and worked tirelessly to raise enough funds to open my first brick-and-mortar store. This was an important milestone in introducing Alexandra Organic to a wider audience and establishing a dedicated space for customers to experience our products.

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