Home Makeup When Was a Time in Your Life When You Wore a Lot of Makeup?

When Was a Time in Your Life When You Wore a Lot of Makeup?

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K In 2014.jpg
Me on a typical Thursday in 2014

I can think of two different periods. The first time was when I was in high school, when I was wearing makeup for the first time and was finally able to freely wear makeup in public. As a side note, I don’t know if Filipino families were strict or not, but there was an unspoken rule that you weren’t allowed to wear makeup until you got your parents’ permission, so when you wanted to wear makeup, you secretly wore it. I did. I was a junior high school student.

Anyway, I just turned 14 and was finally allowed to wear makeup, so I got through the whole day at school, all the kits and kaboodles: foundation, powder, blush, eyeshadow, lipstick, eyeliner, etc. I did. But for some reason my mother didn’t allow me to wear mascara. strange! I loved everything and enjoyed the fact that I could do makeup in the real world. However, in retrospect, I expected a lot from such a young man.

About 10 years ago, when I was deep into writing MBB, I wore a full-on glam look almost every day. It was fun and the photos looked great, but it was tough. But I remember that period of my life fondly. Oh, back then you could kill any amount of eyeshadow.

When was the last time in your life that you wore a lot of makeup?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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