Home Makeup Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing You a Happy Thanksgiving

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Hapy Thanksgiving 2023.jpg

Happy Thanksgiving, my beautiful friend. I hope you have some fun today and find some time for yourself. And if you receive a slice (or two) of her pie, we hope it’s your favorite flavor. Because life is too short for bullshit pie.

Holidays like T-Day are often portrayed in movies, marketing, and social media as perfect images of being together with family and friends. My wish for all of us is to be surrounded by warmth, comfort, and unconditional love, but I know that this is not always the case.

Some people may have to go to work because they have no other choice. Some people may have trouble managing relationships with people in their lives or may feel lonely. It’s not always the ideal image we have in our heads.

I don’t know if it helps, but what I’ve found helpful when Connor and I are going through what we call “big emotions” is to write a list of little pockets of sparkles. Of joy. I usually just do it on my cell phone.

yesterday’s shine

Anyway, our celebrations will be very peaceful this year. Just me, El Hub, Connor, and a bunch of cracked crabs drowned in butter, salt, and lemon. There’s a movie or two with her, some dancing in the living room, some snuggles with Rosie Pose, and some walks.

It’s going to be a great day. 🙂

With good thoughts and wishes for the holidays, I’m sending you a big hug from behind the keyboard in case you need it.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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