Home Beauty WTF Is Going on With My Hormones?

WTF Is Going on With My Hormones?

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I can honestly say that my PMS was out of control and I decided I couldn’t take it anymore. I was tired of being a slave to my hormones and not knowing what was going to happen next so I called in a professional to help me and anyone else who wants to take control of their PMS. Meet the amazing Dr. Sohele Loked.
Dr Sohail is a General Practitioner and one of the UK’s leading experts in Bioidentical and Body-Identical Hormone Therapy. She believes that hormone imbalance affects many aspects of our health and that her knowledge of how to bring hormones back into normal could be life-changing for many of us.
If you’re tired of PMS, pregnant, going through menopause, or anything in between, this song is essential listening. It’s actually a wake-up call that you don’t have to put up with your hormones messing you up – there is a way to take back control.
During the episode I also reminisce about fish pedicures… remember them? And I also talk about Nursem skincare, which I saw great results with on Dragon’s Den.
Enjoy my love xx
Dr Sohere can be found on Insta @miss_soh and drsohereroked.co.uk

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