Home Beauty Your December 2023 Horoscope Brings Capricorn Season, Mercury Retrograde, and So Many Sequins

Your December 2023 Horoscope Brings Capricorn Season, Mercury Retrograde, and So Many Sequins

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The first transit set to make frosty ’90s eye makeup and glamorous, glittery New Year’s Eve worthy is Venus, ruler of beauty as well as love, entering bold Sagittarius on the 2nd. Friday, December 29th. Sagittarius is a sign that is good at getting what they want. Perhaps that’s because its ruling planetary body is Jupiter, which is considered the luckiest planet in the zodiac.Jupiter goes straight Saturday, December 30th. With the lucky planets dancing in the right direction and Venus feeling herself with the unapologetic courage of Sagittarius, New Year’s Eve 2023 was a memorable one. Make sure to wear makeup. You’ll want photos from this night. Read on to find out what the December 2023 horoscope has in store for your zodiac sign.

Important astrological dates for December 2023

Regardless of your zodiac sign, here are the key dates to keep an eye on this month.

Important dates for December 2023:

Monday, December 2nd: Venus enters Scorpio
Wednesday, December 6th: Neptune goes direct to Pisces
Tuesday, December 12th: New Moon in Sagittarius
Tuesday, December 12th: Mercury retrograde in Capricorn
Tuesday, December 26th: Full Moon in Cancer
Friday, December 29th: Venus enters Sagittarius
Saturday, December 30th: Jupiter goes straight in Taurus

Monthly horoscope by zodiac sign for December 2023

Not sure what your Sun sign is? I will briefly summarize each schedule. Click on a specific zodiac sign below to open your December 2023 horoscope and see what’s in store for you this month, or keep scrolling for an overview of all zodiac signs.

  • Aries (March 21st to April 19th)
  • Taurus (April 20th to May 20th)
  • gemini (May 21st to June 20th)
  • cancer (June 21st to July 22nd)
  • leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)
  • Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)
  • Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)
  • Scorpion (October 23rd to November 21st)
  • Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)
  • Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19th)
  • Aquarius (January 20th to February 18th)
  • Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

In December, you will be embracing new forms of love. What kind of trouble will your zodiac sign face this December, and by trouble does it mean joy? Some harsh truths may come to light once Neptune ends retrograde, but creative hobbies and passions can help you overcome any stress (even after Mercury retrograde begins). Remember: don’t panic. Please use your travel time to proofread important emails. And while we remind you that astrology cannot control your finances, we can tell you that Capricorn season offers many opportunities to build abundance. Aries, read your December horoscope here.

Taurus (April 20th to May 20th)

Your strength is that you understand the difference between self-care and isolation. Don’t mistake healthy boundaries for walls that keep you from love this month, Taurus. There’s a lot to celebrate. Adding one date Tuesday, December 12th, to the list of winter festivals. Indeed, Mercury retrograde begins. But it’s also a new moon that wants to create magic within your friend group. Capricorn season begins this month. This sign may have a reputation for formality, but those who turn the pages of its book and look forward to even more abundance in the new year will be happy, as well as have a devilishly good time. is. Jupiter, the luckiest planet in the zodiac, will be heading straight into your sign just in time for midnight on New Year’s Eve. Taurus, read your December horoscope here.

gemini (May 21st to June 20th)

Your job is to balance humor with serious listening skills. When Venus enters Scorpio, your friends may want more than the usual jokes and animal memes. they need your support. Remember, Venus doesn’t just mean romantic bonds. Earth rules all relationships. Be a friend who checks in with you, especially since some people may be depressed and unable to reach out to you themselves. Given that your ruling planet Mercury goes into its infamous retrograde around this day; Tuesday, December 12th, put a reminder in your calendar so you don’t forget. And no, the universe hasn’t forgotten about your fame-hungry side. And when Venus leaves Scorpio and steps into Sagittarius, get ready for a gossip-worthy finale of the year. Gemini, read your December horoscope here.

Bella Geraci/allure

cancer (June 21st to July 22nd)

Venus encourages you to do absolutely nothing, Cancer. You put a lot of love into your relationships. Is it time to relax, relax and have fun? Even if you hate holidays, at least make the most of them. You can come up with your own celebrations and rituals. This month’s Full Moon in your sign wants you to reach out and connect with friends. Even if you can’t afford to spend your vacation the way you want, use the bright full moon in your sign to connect with your chosen family. Please note that Mercury will be retrograde this month. However, no matter what your plans include presents, planning ahead can help avoid stress. He has one command from Venus, the ruler of love, that he must obey. It’s all about having a grand New Year’s Eve celebration. Cancer, read the full December horoscope here.

leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Leo, if you have the luxury of deciding for yourself how to spend your holidays, by all means enjoy it. Other zodiac signs may be jealous, but no one will blame you. When Neptune turns direct in the middle of the month, you’ll have to face a cruel truth. This period is perfect for introspection, and you may end up breaking up with untrustworthy friends or lovers who don’t have your best interests in mind. When the Sun enters Capricorn, your brain is all about work-life balance, but despite this zodiac sign being firmly connected to your career, you may find yourself indulging in its demonic side towards the end of the year. It will be. This is also because Jupiter, the wild, rich aunty planet that shows up with surprise gifts, ends its retrograde just in time for New Year’s Eve. Leo, read your December horoscope here.

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Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

In December, Neptune, the planet of fantasy, goes direct, telling you to ditch your passive-aggressive writing and be bold in expressing your emotions. Your ruling planet, Mercury, goes retrograde. Accidents in normal communication and travel are to be expected. When the Sun enters bustling Capricorn, you’ll be tempted to get back to work sooner than necessary. Remember that downtime and breaks are an investment. Now, your job is to look at the sky (especially around the Full Moon in Cancer) and connect with friends and chosen family. Oh, and sleep. If you don’t have the luxury of choosing who to spend your winter holidays with, feel free to wrestle with your chosen family, at least through the new year. You don’t have to go out or change out of your pajamas, but you do deserve to have fun with people you trust. When 2024 arrives, the accolades will come and you will be grateful for the downtime. Virgo, read your December horoscope here.

Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

As Venus, ruler of love, money, and beauty enters Scorpio, Librans are ready to receive some gorgeous news, so keep an eye on your inbox. However, you can become overworked, so even if your schedule is packed, find time to rest. This month, Mercury embarks on its infamous retrograde. Between that hot mess and the holidays, you’ll want to get a little more sleep. However, as Capricorn season begins, it’s important to lighten the mood, especially if how you spend your vacation isn’t entirely up to you. Remember that you can create moments of joy and togetherness throughout the year. An unexpected reunion may occur in December, just in time for New Year’s Eve. So, dear flirtatious Libra, are you ready to accept the fact that you might kiss someone unexpectedly in the middle of the night? Libra, read your December horoscope here.

Bella Geraci/allure

Scorpion (October 23rd to November 21st)

Your first star challenge, Scorpio, is to relax. Just because you have a stinger doesn’t mean you need to use it all the time. No one may have pointed this out to you yet, but your intensity can unwittingly cause drama when life is otherwise peaceful. Also, fights may break out during the holidays, so relax and do nothing. Well, there are some magical days that are perfect to take advantage of. Despite the economic situation, we made sure to point out his most financially prosperous days in December. Unfortunately, note that Mercury is in a retrograde dance this month. As a result, you may need to work harder to make your voice heard. But at least now there is a productive means to convey that intensity. Plus, just in time for New Year’s Eve, Jupiter goes direct and illuminates your seventh house of partnerships, ensuring you feel valued at midnight, kiss or not. Scorpio, read your December horoscope here.

Sagittarius (November 22nd – December 21st)

December asks you to reflect on the changes in your love life over the past year. You are like a shark, always on the move, never stopping to think. But now, just in time for the end of 2023 and your season, the New Moon asks you to set aside time to meditate and set intentions, especially regarding personal growth and relationships, for a fresh start. I am. The full moon in Cancer and the 8th house of sex is a night to switch off your brain and indulge in physical pleasure, whether it’s with your partner or through self-care rituals like a luxurious bath. This month ends with generous Venus entering Sagittarius and your lucky planet Jupiter going direct. That means all other zodiac signs must be very jealous of the New Year’s Eve plans the stars have in store for you. Sagittarius, read your December horoscope here.

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19th)

Congratulations on your solar return, Capricorn. You have the right to celebrate your birthday every month. You might be late to have fun with your friends. Venus will help you celebrate with your companions, but you should discuss what Neptune and Mercury are doing to avoid misunderstandings. While Neptune ends retrograde and Mercury begins retrograde, both actions can make communication more ambiguous. When the Sun enters your sign in the second half of the month, the stars remind you to stop trying to control everything and be open to changing your perspective. Especially if it involves a solar return. Is the holiday distracting from the birthday due to some annoying family event, or is it an excuse to double down on the celebration? Be sure to set aside time to relax between all the festivities. Capricorn, read your December horoscope here.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18th)

December begins with a bold question. Are you brave enough to give networking a chance? Use this time to attend a holiday party. Not only for fun, but also for building profitable relationships. Despite all the festivities and the rational understanding that you deserve a break, you’re thinking a lot about work this month. When Neptune dictates, you’re obsessed with starting the new year with your emotions and bank account more secure. Despite the terrible economic situation, anything is possible, especially when you have friends by your side. If you’re dating someone new, know that New Year’s Eve is a great opportunity for Aquarius to blend the romantic and platonic worlds. But what if you had to choose? Come dance with your friends at the end of 2024. Capricorn, read your November horoscope here.

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

Even the calmest Pisces can feel the stress of the holidays this month, so connecting with your chosen family is more important than ever. December starts off on a slightly grim note, thanks to the end of your ruling planet Neptune’s retrograde. Now that Planet of Fantasy is done dancing backwards, you have to face the truth of who’s supporting you and who just wants to argue regressive points with you over eggnog. . Use this knowledge to make the most of this month. Even if you hate the holiday, it’s worth celebrating in your own unique way (especially when you read what New Year’s Eve has in store for you). Not only Venus, but also Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, will come with gifts. This month is the month to get over the boring stuff and enjoy the joy of being yourself. Pisces, read your December horoscope here.

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